A Reminder to Keep Going

Published on 23 August 2024 at 16:43

Hello lovely readers!! It's lovergirl back with some real talk.

Admittedly, August has been a tough one for me. I’ve felt like I was dragging my feet through quicksand, struggling to find motivation and energy. Battling depression, more severe anxiety than usual, and an artistic standstill. But as the month is coming to a close, I’m slowly starting to feel that spark again.


If you’ve been following me through all my blogs, you’d notice I often blog about life advice and lessons, sharing tips on self-discovery, growth, and gratitude. But let me be honest—sometimes, even I struggle to implement these lessons in my own life. It's easy to write about staying positive and pushing through tough times, but actually doing it? That’s a whole different story.


During hard times, it’s difficult to remember that our struggles are only temporary. For me, the world feels like it’s crashing when more than 3 things go wrong simultaneously. I’m like okay life, WHATS NEXT?! What else can possibly go wrong? Lately this feeling has been constant. I get stuck in between feeling not good enough, and feeling like I’m just too much. Just a big fat sandwich of doubt.


As I’m writing this blog, I can feel my self expression slowly coming back. My confidence, my drive, my energy. It’s a nice reminder that it’s perfectly okay to have periods in life where you feel unsettled and not yourself. As long as we push through, we’re bound to get there again.


The good days are coming, even if they feel far away. No matter what you're going through. Sometimes, it takes the crisp air of the last four months of the year to remind us that change is constant and new beginnings are always around the corner. Whether the change is comfortable or not, most times it’s neccessary.


As we transition into fall, I’m looking forward to the cooler weather and the fresh energy it brings. It’s a reminder that no matter how stuck we feel, there's always an opportunity to start over. So, if you’re feeling like I did at the beginning of August, hang in there. The good days and the motivation will come back, and we’ll be ready to embrace them.


 For now, the weather is still hot and sunny so let’s enjoy it while it lasts! Thanks for sticking with me through the ups and downs.


           Let’s keep pushing forward together!


                         XOXO- Lovergirl 💖

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Daily gains
2 months ago

Oh em gee! It’s one of your fans. Girl I love reading your blogs. Get us through these hard times PLEASE. I can totally relate to wanting time to speed up into the cooler weather, but let’s enjoy these days while we’re young. Life blinks at a flash of our eyes. Thank you for being my friend and keep writing those thoughts down, I really enjoy reading them. You’re an amazing writer. Much love girl. Keep going!

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