Who is Lover Girl?

Published on 4 July 2024 at 01:54

Hey there, lovely readers!

Welcome to my little corner of the internet! I'm Ally, and I'm so excited to have you here. Let me start by saying that I'm a fun-loving, outgoing soul who thrives on new experiences and adventures. Whether it's trying out a new hobby(like blogging, for example), spontaneous trips, or simply meeting new people, I'm always up for something that adds a little spice to life.


But here's the twist – as much as I love diving headfirst into the unknown, I sometimes find myself wondering if I truly know who I am. It's a curious thought, isn't it? We spend so much time defining ourselves through our interests, relationships, and achievements, but what if there's more to discover? What if the essence of who we are is constantly evolving, shaped by every new experience and moment of introspection? What would that mean for those who get stuck on auto pilot living that same life, no changes, no surprises.. is that all they are? While I do believe we have every right to get up and create the life we want to live, does anyone really know what that looks like? Yes we have hopes. We have dreams.. but what do we do if we don't get there? How do I know I'm headed the right direction? Could life simply be about the small victories and little things, as cliche as ever?


And then there's the age factor. Am I getting too old to figure it all out? Some days, it feels like time is slipping through my fingers, urging me to settle into a fixed identity. Other days, I remind myself that self-discovery is a lifelong journey, and there's no expiration date on uncovering new layers of who we are.

Today is extra special because it's the Fourth of July and, my wife and I's SEVEN-year marriage anniversary! Against all odds and trial's and tribulations we’ve made it to lucky number 7. She has this incredible way of helping me find who I am inside, often times when I'm feeling lost. Her love and support have been a guiding light in my journey of self-discovery. It's amazing how a partner can reflect our true selves back to us and help us grow in ways we never imagined.

I guess every person, thing, and place.. every decision and every step you take, showcases who you are.

Now with that being said.. are you where you thought you'd be, 100 steps ago?

As I navigate this blog and share my thoughts, adventures, and musings with you, I invite you to join me on this quest for self-discovery. Let's embrace the uncertainty, celebrate the fun, and keep asking those big, existential questions. After all, life is too short to be anything but curious and open to the endless possibilities of who we can become.

Thanks for being here, and I can't wait to connect with you all!

[I also wanted to add earlier on in my blogging journey, that this blog will in NO way, be perfect. There will be no schedule, just frequent links to new content. There will be grammatical flaws, emotional rants, and probably typos too! This is gonna be a raw uncut blog from plane ol' me! So if you're still here, thanks again!]

Now, go enjoy some fireworks or cuddle your anxious fur babies, either way, soak in those little moments! 🎆💕 Be safe 🥰

-comments/thoughts always appreciated-💕


Lover Girl


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Raven Dakota
3 months ago

I absolutely love the way you worded this. My favorite line is “ Some days, it feels like time is slipping through my fingers, urging me to settle into a fixed identity. Other days, I remind myself that self-discovery is a lifelong journey, and there's no expiration date on uncovering new layers of who we are.”

Beautifully written. I am excited to follow your journey through this blog 💕

Love you soo much 😌

Gabriella Barela
3 months ago

Amazing. Great read. Looking forward to future posts. :)

3 months ago

Truly enjoyed reading each entry thus far. Thank you for showing up and being yourself, looking forward to the the future of your blog

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